Thursday, January 6, 2011

Creating a reality that never happened

When I was having a horrible time with anxiety, I knew I was “making things up”, but couldn’t figure out how to stop it. I was constantly grieving over something that never happened and most likely was never going to take place. Finally, after dealing with some things that HAVE taken place (my past) I was able to overcome that great hurdle. But that trail is one of my great testimonies. Stop making things up (negative things). Live in the NOW with positive expectations and a perspective of Love… things will always work out that way.

O.C. Allen III, spoke on toxic thoughts last night and it so moved my Spirit. When we have toxic thoughts, those thoughts are fatal to all aspects of our lives: relationships, religion, self-love/hate…etc.

Today REPLACE the negative with positive thoughts. Catch the thought and reverse it. Start NOW.

Thanks for reading guys. Thanks for the love and support.