Tuesday, January 18, 2011

What’s Attractive to You?

I wonder how upset people will be with me after this statement? (LOL)… What percentage of the drama in our lives is our fault? How much of the negative that we receive has to do with the negative we put out? What do you mean Megan? We are attracting to us whether we are conscious of it or not, what we feel, think, believe, perceive, and so forth is sending energetic signals. When we begin to change the inner most thought processes of our minds we will inevitably change the outer realms of our realities. For example, all of us have encountered that one someone at work that just burns the last nerve we have left, right? So when you get up in the morning that person is on your mind, “Now I got to go deal with this so and so…” In the car, we’re thinking about this person, getting our coffee or tea… and God forbid if the person walks pass us, the feeling of pure negative energy comes all over our presence. You are attracting that negative to you, because you have given your energy to it. It must be reversed. If and when you think about this person, think GOOD thoughts… “they will be nice today… I pray for their journey, their joy, their peace… I love this person.” It sounds crazy, but it WORKS!

This same thought process should be adopted with all things: bills, family, friends, intimate relationships. Let’s try it today, if nothing else, I promise YOU will feel much better.

MUAH, Happy Tuesday People!


  1. It's like I've heard said also, that you may not be able to change the situations around you, but you can certainly change your reaction to it.

    So I guess you're saying when Jesus told us to pray for our enemies and love our enemies it's as much for our good as it is for them.

  2. Megan, I agree with you, and you sure reminded me of Philippians 4:8 - "Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things."

    I am learning to ask others "what can I do to be a blessing to you today?". (Learned this from a Sheri Rose Shepherd confetence recently.) I want to be a blessing and I can't be a blessing if I'm acting negatively, poorly, or like a jerk.

  3. I always tell people, "You can't sew chaos and expect to reap peace!" Well said Karen, life lesson learned for living in the peace that passes all understanding!!

  4. I am so happy that I just found you. You are an inspiration.

  5. People come into your life for a reason and a season sometimes. Thank you for being you. When words speak different things to different people-those are special words. Thank you.

  6. Now that will be very hard for me?

  7. Let's make changes in our lives that make them better... it begins within. MUAH
