Monday, February 7, 2011

Don't Ignore It

We're simply too busy to worry about every little thing that takes place in our lives. We can not stress over a comment, remark, or negative gesture thrown our way. Who has time to divulge their childhood for present life reflection? Who has the time to inquire about themselves?

The fact of the matter is whether we are consciously aware of it or not, we are affected by every little thing. Our childhood experiences do weigh heavily on our current relationships and interactions... and we do hold on to things. As humans we have a unique memory and those memories become thoughts and those thoughts are mirrored in our lives. These thoughts are triggered by similarities and feelings from our past (that haven't been worked out). So while we think we're doing the right things by ignoring an issue, we really just making a bigger problem later. You see what I mean?

When you deal with something head-on, right away, you keep that paper cut from turning into an infectious (never healing) wound. Don't toss your emotions to the side, acknowledge them and treat them so that they don't fester. Take that time to filter through your childhood and see how you've been affected, so that you can be a better (adult) you. There's no better time then the present.

Happy Monday People! MUAH
It's going to be a GREAT week.


  1. Good thoughts. I just "found" you on YouTube and have been laughing for 2 days. Humor is so important in life and you've got it! I'll try to stay positive this week. Tulsa had a record 14 inches of snow last week and we're expecting another 6 to 10 tomorrow and Wednesday. I've become a house plant but it's a good way to take the time to clean out the closets and file paperwork, so everyone expecting snow this week, let's make lemonade out of lemons. There's always something to do around the house....

  2. "Our childhood experiences do weigh heavily on our current relationships and interactions... and we do hold on to things. As humans we have a unique memory and those memories become thoughts and those thoughts are mirrored in our lives. These thoughts are triggered by similarities and feelings from our past....."I've often wondered why I - ME - am the one who remembers EVERY SINGLE THING, every detail. I've been told by many people (my husband and sister mainly) that I need to let those things go...they don't matter anymore. But, really, I'm becoming a better person overall. continue to amaze me on the DAILY! Thank you....

  3. @Anonymous That's it, find the joy in your current situation. I know it's rough but spending quality time with yourself is always a blessing. You know? Trust me the snow will melt...when? Ummm can say. :0)
    @Kathy The memories you have are a blessing. Let me tell you what I mean. Once you see the why's you can see the magic. That magic is clarification of the trails. The reason I call it magic is because it can literally brighten another persons reality. Like me for example. I too have a very good memory and can remember the things that weren't so great, BUT when I look around and think things over... I see the joy and that happiness I express here, which in-turns is helping everyone. SO don't try to forget, simply try to SEE. MUAH to you Both! Oh and check out my blog on forgiveness
